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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #223979

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So Pinko Albo has wished Ms Higgins well after the case was dropped, that's very kind and thoughtful but where are the same wishes for Mr Lehrmann? The media and the prosecutors are saying it's been dropped for Ms Higgins mental health reasons, I suspect that's more a cover for the fact the re-trial had no chance of convicting Mr Lehemann due to lack of any real evidence in what was essentially a "he said she said" situation, so are covering their collective arses.
I assume Mr Lehrmann can now sue the courts for costs and damages given he is an innocent man as he has not been found guilty of any crime, I hope he gets plenty. That being said, Ms Higgins should also get all her costs covered and I hope she is able to get her life back on track. I think there were a lot of determined "pushers " with specific agendas behind this young woman.
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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #223984

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2 very silly kids.
One who was on a power trip and the other who embarrassingly got caught with their hand in the cookie jar?
Unfortunately 2 million years of breeding, politics and religion has put women in the sexual corner of life.
Maybe in 2023 we become a bit more mature and get rid of the word slut, realizing that women have just as much a right to have sex as men. Too many men see women highlighting their sexuality as fair game. Too many women see them as competition or a threat.
Will human nature allow us to change our outlook? Probably not in 2023.

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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #223985

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Agree with all that Dev but it's the automatic assumption of guilt when an allegation is made, particularly in these sorts of cases thats so unfair. The wokes in the media (especially the ABC) and some pollies have a lot to answer for. What ever happened to the idea of innocent until PROVEN guilty.

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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #223986

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Now that it's not sub-judice any more it's pretty clear what happened here. They were both pissed but Higgins more so than Lehrmann. They had a root in the office and when the security guard caught Higgins stark naked on the sofa, she thinks she's going to lose her job and cries rape.

He denies even having sex because if he admits to it, the question of her being too drunk to give consent comes into the equation. She's made the accusation so has to follow through with it and because it's a front and centre woke cause along with the Me Too movement, all of a sudden she's a cause celebre and he's on a hiding to nothing.

I don't think it should have gone to court as SS says, it's a circumstantial he said, she said situation with no hard evidence. Nothing to see here, move on I say.

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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #223990

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How do you know she was raped and sexually assaulted? Were you there? The courts didn't come to that conclusion in the end so how can you? Have you seen instances where convicted rapists completely undressed their victims and when woken up by a third party, just rolled over and went back to sleep. How does that work?

Only two people actually know what happened that night and everyone else's opinion is just that, an opinion including mine and yours. Both of them made poor decisions and in the end, their lives have changed forever.

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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #223993

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DD your last two paragraphs are completely irrellevent. The two cases are totally different, there was no physical evidence of a rape, nothing for DNA testing, no witnesses of the alleged offence, just of two young people pissed at a party and one found starkers in an office. FMD, there's no way to convict and sentence someone to years in prison on that flimsy stuff.
You accuse some on here of being part of a Weld club forum, then go on a rant about "poofters get their Jolly's off in minister's offices. Fkn pole smokers" Pot calling the kettle black my friend.

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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #224001

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Now that it's not sub-judice any more it's pretty clear what happened here. They were both pissed but Higgins more so than Lehrmann. They had a root in the office and when the security guard caught Higgins stark naked on the sofa, she thinks she's going to lose her job and cries rape.

He denies even having sex because if he admits to it, the question of her being too drunk to give consent comes into the equation. She's made the accusation so has to follow through with it and because it's a front and centre woke cause along with the Me Too movement, all of a sudden she's a cause celebre and he's on a hiding to nothing.

I don't think it should have gone to court as SS says, it's a circumstantial he said, she said situation with no hard evidence. Nothing to see here, move on I say.

Mate I don't think she came forward with any rape claims until sometime later, sounds like it was after the book deal.

Good chance what you say happened, also a chance nothing happened bar her getting her gear off and flaking out pissed and starkers she didn't wear underwear anyway.  Either way it was a weak case with here telling lies all over the place, and should never got a start.

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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #224003

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Agree with all that Dev but it's the automatic assumption of guilt when an allegation is made, particularly in these sorts of cases thats so unfair. The wokes in the media (especially the ABC) and some pollies have a lot to answer for. What ever happened to the idea of innocent until PROVEN guilty.
 Spot on - enormous problem, these things become a gathering wildfire get their own momentum and before you know it, it's like mob of nutters running around with pitchforks wanting people hung drawn and quartered with bugger all evidence,  media driven hysteria be in this or other examples like when police shot someone, ends up protests, demands and misguided outcomes.

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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #224018

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My sons who are in their thirty’s have been saying for a decade and a half now "never trust an Australian women".
The rules have changed from the days of yore regarding consent, partnerships and marriage.

Blokes are just going to have to change the way they do business, just like women have.

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Brittany Higgins Alleged rape case dropped 2 years 3 months ago #224277

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I see ALBO has handed over a great big compo payout to Higgins, not one single allegation proven or even tested, just gave her the cash, basically a payment in thanks from Labor for damaging the Libs.

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