Grassy that's a simple answer mate, and ill give it to you right now as I understand it.
Welfare cheats cost the country more than tax cheats?????
Why, because Welfare is money the government has to generate before it pays it out, so if people are cheating the are making the government have to generate more funds to pay them out.
Tax cheats are just copping out on paying more to the government than what they have already paid.
If you think the latest letters from Centrelink are making people jumpy wait and see what happens next for alleged welfare cheats.
According to the news just before Xmas, and if you want to do your research (I have) you will find out this new legislation has come into effect as of 01/01/2017.
Centrelink now has the powers to place "Departure Prohibition Orders" on people with Centrelink debts that are travelling overseas on a regular basis. Apparently there are extremely large numbers of Australian citizens with debts greater than $1000.00 to the commonwealth (Usually generated by claiming benefits they were not entitled to) that travel overseas regularly and only pay their debt off at $5.00 per week or less.
I can see the AFP will have some fun times pulling these people off the planes when these orders start getting placed and people still try to leave the country.
Grassy the ATO already has these powers but they don't enact them (They tried a couple of years ago with Paul Hogan and lost on appeal in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal)
So based on that I believe welfare cheats cost more to the country than tax cheats and this is something the government is starting to take seriously. Watch this space