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George Pell 9 years 1 month ago #83470

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Stanley wrote: Interesting topic as so much attention is directed towards George Pell. But the facts are that he has fronted similar commissions a number of times and had many interviews on the topic for all to see. He doesn't front once and people are calling for his blood. The other fact is that the % of Catholic religious that have abused kids is much less than the "normal" population. (By no means does it excuse it) However, does the state and federal government officials have the same spotlight/heat on them regarding this terrible crime? Do all males in the population have to live with the same scrutiny and stereotype as Catholic priests do on a daily basis?

As a Catholic I am ashamed that some Church officials behaved in certain ways but I do feel for the 99% of Catholic priests/nuns and people who do so much good work in society and impacted the world in a positive way but have to deal with the 1% of people who in the past have destroyed peoples lives.

My 2 cents

Well said Stanley,

Pell has already appeared at numerous inquiries and he has already been to the RC and agreed to appear again back in May...he was always willing to give evidence by video link and anyway has agreed to come along again...does anyone know or have access to his Heart Surgeons file? maybe there was a chance he was not actually fit to fly,..?? Just seems like anti Pell Hysteria to me..

Like you Stanley, I was really disgusted and let down by those that committed these serious crimes, and really want the problem addressed anyone who commits a serious crime should face justice regardless of position.

There was a really good article in the weekend west a a couple of weeks ago, from Archbishop Costello saying that despite the very terrible things that have happened the catholic community has come though it stronger and bigger in WA.

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George Pell 9 years 1 month ago #83473

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BC wrote: I guess just about every conflict on the planet in the last 100 years has had religious overtones in one way or the other...throw in abuse of kids in the Catholic church and I'm not sure the good outweighs the bad. My 3 kids had a Catholic school education and I'm not 100% certain they're any better for it than say a kid who went to AppleX or Rossmoyne.

An interesting source of truth on the matter is Philip and Axelrod’s three-volume Encyclopedia of Wars, which chronicles some 1,763 wars that have been waged over the course of human history. Of those wars, the authors categorize 123 as being religious in nature,2 which is an astonishingly low 6.98% of all wars. However, when one subtracts out those waged in the name of Islam (66), the percentage is cut by more than half to 3.23%.

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George Pell 9 years 1 month ago #83476

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..and what qualifies as a war? is the fight against the Muslim brotherhood and ISIL in the Sinai considered a war? the bombing of coptic churches in Egypt? were Catholics v Protestants in N Ireland treated as a religious conflict or a territorial one? Is the fight against muslim extremists in the southern Philippines considered a war? likewise in northern Thailand? what about Boko Harem, Jemaah Islamiya, the ongoing tet-a-tet between a Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan in Kashmir? you can play with stats and data all you like but with the exception of WW1, WW2, Vietnam and Korea there hasn't been too many conflicts over time that wasn't pushed along by religion to some extent.

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Last edit: by BC.

George Pell 9 years 1 month ago #83477

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anchorman wrote: Didn't 60 minutes debunk the so called enquiries set up by the Catholic church!!!!
He seems to have contracted the Alan Bond disease of sickness.
If the Catholic church were serious, the Pope would have insisted he, Pell, make himself available to be here.

First, Pell has already given evidence to the royal commission twice, once in person and once by video link.

He also voluntarily appeared before the Victorian parliamentary inquiry.

Second, no one can just rock up at the royal commission and demand an instant hearing. It’s not the way such organisations work. As it turns out, Pell has advised the royal commission that he is willing to attend its hearings again — by video link or in person.

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George Pell 9 years 1 month ago #83480

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BC wrote: ..and what qualifies as a war? is the fight against the Muslim brotherhood and ISIL in the Sinai considered a war? the bombing of coptic churches in Egypt? were Catholics v Protestants in N Ireland treated as a religious conflict or a territorial one? Is the fight against muslim extremists in the southern Philippines considered a war? likewise in northern Thailand? what about Boko Harem, Jemaah Islamiya, the ongoing tet-a-tet between a Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan in Kashmir? you can play with stats and data all you like but with the exception of WW1, WW2, Vietnam and Korea there hasn't been too many conflicts over time that wasn't pushed along by religion to some extent.

I dare say the Enclyopedia of War would be a good place to start for what classed as a war, its doesnt back your theory up, sure you have listed a few conflicts of recent news but in the scheme of things are low level wars , not sure how you come up with the conclusion that religion hasnt pushed most wars, and in the same vein saying the biggest in hostory had nothing to do with them, none of Australias Wars have ever been religous have they< Boer War, WWI WWII Korea Malaya, Indonesia Confrontation, Vietnam, even chuck a few more in of my lifetime Falklands, Rhodesia, Kenya.

Even the ones you claim are religious arent, NI was about Irish Indepedance from the UK, it was/is a political struggle for a united Ireland.

Pakistan v India is a territorial over Kashmir , just as the China v India dispustes have been as have Cambodia v Vietnam fact there is a darn good argument to say that non religious ( by Atheist states Mao Tse Tung Pol Pott Stalin et al ) wars are bigger more prevalent and a lot more dangerous than religious.

Whilst Israel v Arab conflict might have its cornel in Zionism - the root of the problem is land, and where people are going to live as a homeland, Arab states just dont want to concede territory or power to a new state.

Was the US invasion of Iraq about religion or Oil?

Sure miiltant islam ie ISIS are a problem at the moment but in the scheme of wars a bunch of goons running around on the back of hi luxes is not exactly in the same league as WW II - its not small its microscopic,,,

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George Pell 9 years 1 month ago #83481

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as you've probably guessed by now I'm an athiest so I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree as I believe religion plays a significant part in the troubles of this planet either directly by one religious group against another or by stealth where a particular cohort uses religion as an excuse to have a go at someone else.

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George Pell 9 years 1 month ago #83482

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BC wrote: as you've probably guessed by now I'm an athiest so I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree as I believe religion plays a significant part in the troubles of this planet either directly by one religious group against another or by stealth where a particular cohort uses religion as an excuse to have a go at someone else.

Atheists, have a pretty good death toll in their own right, I wouldnt be singing the praises of Stalin, Pol Pot, Lenin or Mao, together have killed more than religion in 1000 years!

Putting that aside its interesting you have a religious figure as an avatar and sent your kids to a faith based

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Last edit: by Bazza.

George Pell 9 years 1 month ago #83483

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yes...I take your point...I saw the Dalai a couple of years ago at Burswood and reckon he's an interesting figure thumbing his nose at the Chinese and as for the kids, their mother was religious so what hope did I have?

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George Pell 9 years 1 month ago #83484

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BC wrote: yes...I take your point...I saw the Dalai a couple of years ago at Burswood and reckon he's an interesting figure thumbing his nose at the Chinese and as for the kids, their mother was religious so what hope did I have?

I meet the DL at a press conference at the Parmelia Hilton once a long long time ago when I did a little bit of work at the Daily News!

You mean Religious man thumbing his nose at totalitarian atheists...oh the irony! lol

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George Pell 8 years 11 months ago #86625

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Poor George cant take a trick. Now whinges about a police leak about complaints against him. Bugger off George, you've had your leak

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