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WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70523

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BC wrote: two words...who cares?

Yeah spot on.

I remember Nicky Winmar was castigated at the time when he lifted his shirt and pointed to his skin towards the crowd, years later and its now regarded as an iconic image of Australian sport.

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WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70524

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bit of difference with Nicky as he was being racially vilified by certain parts of the crowd whereas Goodes was just being a tool....but hey, I couldn't really care less and not sure what the fuss is all about.

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WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70525

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BC wrote: bit of difference with Nicky as he was being racially vilified by certain parts of the crowd whereas Goodes was just being a tool....but hey, I couldn't really care less and not sure what the fuss is all about.

Not much difference I can see Moreover, plenty called Wimar a dickhead at the time as well, BC I dont think we will really know either way what was being shouted out, one thing for sure is the person in the crowd is long forgotten, but the stance and image lives one.

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WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70526

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He didn't do a cultural thing, he did something made up by the under 16's indigenous academy.

That's paramount to inciting trouble, and as such he should have gotten at least a please explain from the AFL. None forthcoming, I think they are all scared of what Goodes will do next.

I think Eddy summed it up best on Melbourne radio yesterday when he said along the lines of "people treat racist issues similar to those issues of the gay marriage debate, they don't understand it so they don't like it"

I'm with BC I really don't care what he does, and if he wants to make a dick of himself on national TV then he only has himself to blame when crowds boo him.
Save a tree and eat a beaver

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WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70567

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It seems every year its one controversy after another with this indigenous round. Personally I am over all this AFL horse shit in regards to not only this particular round, but all the other novelty rounds put up by the AFL. Who themselves seem to think they are the saviours of everyone & everything. You celebrate one culture or cultures, you then offend others who are not included. And in the end you will end up having to have a round covering genre's such as Gay Pride to One Legged Orphaned Sun Bears.

It is about time football went back to just being football each week, without these endless over baked novelty rounds. And lets be truthful here, the majority of the paying football public could not give a stuff about any of it. Its all about fluffing up the pillows of the bone heads in AFL house.

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WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70570

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jardine wrote: It seems every year its one controversy after another with this indigenous round. Personally I am over all this AFL horse shit in regards to not only this particular round, but all the other novelty rounds put up by the AFL. Who themselves seem to think they are the saviours of everyone & everything. You celebrate one culture or cultures, you then offend others who are not included. And in the end you will end up having to have a round covering genre's such as Gay Pride to One Legged Orphaned Sun Bears.

It is about time football went back to just being football each week, without these endless over baked novelty rounds. And lets be truthful here, the majority of the paying football public could not give a stuff about any of it. Its all about fluffing up the pillows of the bone heads in AFL house.

Absolutely spot on, and why they are at it, get rid of those useless "they are playing for the xxxx cup today", when certian teams play each other, who gives a toss??

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WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70571

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Anyway back to the topic, i am on the cats claw website, and this subject also came up, we have 2 indigenous who contribute quite readily....... i have posted thier thoughts on the matter below.

I'm glad ChrisLoa posted earlier and wrote he didn't like Goodes, I am of the same thinking and cannot stand Goodes
As a player and more so for his comments in and around Aboriginal issues, be them good willed or not.
I don't believe he should have been Australian of the Year, there are far more ordinary people who do everyday things to help
this country that should be recognised and don't they are the Australians of the year!

Watching his outburst Friday night for me was embarrassing and humiliating for myself.
I don’t subscribe to the War dance and think its disrespectful to Aboriginal people and trying to emulate the Haka which isn’t Australian.
Aboriginal Australia is massive and the War Dance does not encompass all tribes, cultures and respects.
While it might be a way the Aboriginal players of the AFL embrace their culture I think there are far more better ways to
showcase and advocate Aboriginal culture.

I don’t even understand why New Zealand is allowed to do the Haka before each game they play? and the opposition have to stand and watch it.
personally I would turn and face the other way (that's just me). If you want war your in the wrong place! Our game is Football, a vehicle called
sport which brings the community and all walks of life, cultures and values together without racism, borders and barriers where u can express
yourself with enthusiasm, intensity with your team mates together! "Team Work" It's sport, keep it simple, warm up, play, shake hands off to next week.

I actually think Goodes should be suspended or fined heavily as I think he has brought the game into disrepute and seriously
put young Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders men and kids in a culturally unsafe place at their local sporting events, schools and society.

Adam Goodes does not have the right to make such a statement for Aboriginal people,
It was an act of individualism and should only be seen that way. He is the one at War, maybe with himself.
When the Aboriginal community is facing enough hurdles and obstacles at the moment he has made everything about him.

Please retire and Shut the F##k Up. You don’t represent me or my family Adam Goodes!

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Last edit: by UNKA2.

WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70575

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anchorman wrote: I certainly don't recollect Nicky Winmar being called a dick head, rather the opposite. I think most agreed with his stance on the issue at the time, and it has become an iconic statement on racism.
Totally agree PH, there was nothing cultural about the whole thing. Make it up as you go if you like, but it had no cultural significance at all.
The thing is that he has now alienated himself from even more football followers. The booing will only get worse after his stupidity.
Regardless of what he says, the booing is getting to him.

There were plenty bagging Winmar for making a point of being black , thats a fact, all the same crap , he was doing it to the crowd not to other players, inciting the crowd, etc etc..

as for Goodes, I clearly remember the bloody disgusting emails going around when he won the brownlow and people taking the piss out of his black mother who he took along, it was a total disgrace.

Then there was that moron McQuire who pretty obviously reffered to him as an Gorrilla AKA King Kong after the ape incident.,it wasnt a mistake it was what he was thinking.

But apparently a bloke who has endured all that , and is a pretty good envoy and citizen for the game, many people (oddly) were amazingly forgiving for a knob like Cousins who brought the game into disrepute through prolific drug use and scandal but Goodes who is the antihesis is of cousins via his community work , sobriety and genuine love of the sport is castigated for performing an aboriginal dance he had learnt with a youth cultural group.

If people find one bloke doing a dance out in the middle of the oval, with a fence in between them scarey and intimidating , or culturally all to much to handle - then I suggest they give the ballet a miss as well.

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WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70580

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I'm in the "who gives a rats" club. It was only Teflon Goodes making a donk of himself...again. I think he's playing angry now because he's past it an is playing one season too many. Give it up Adam and try to salvage a bit of respect from the community.
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WAR DANCE 9 years 7 months ago #70621

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UNKA2 wrote:

jardine wrote: It seems every year its one controversy after another with this indigenous round. Personally I am over all this AFL horse shit in regards to not only this particular round, but all the other novelty rounds put up by the AFL. Who themselves seem to think they are the saviours of everyone & everything. You celebrate one culture or cultures, you then offend others who are not included. And in the end you will end up having to have a round covering genre's such as Gay Pride to One Legged Orphaned Sun Bears.

It is about time football went back to just being football each week, without these endless over baked novelty rounds. And lets be truthful here, the majority of the paying football public could not give a stuff about any of it. Its all about fluffing up the pillows of the bone heads in AFL house.

Absolutely spot on, and why they are at it, get rid of those useless "they are playing for the xxxx cup today", when certian teams play each other, who gives a toss??

Agree with both.

The 'playing for xxxx cup' has lost its meaning now that it seems every match is playing for one.

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