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What the AFL taught us this week. 11 years 6 months ago #22461

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Dont worry there is plenty of racism in countries out side of Austtralia, a lot of boat people are coming from Sri Lanka were the Tamil race are supposedly experiencing racism from the Ceylonese, they use this as an excuse to migrate here, only problem is its a blatant beat up, Ive been there and the facts on the ground just bear it out.

I don't have any sympathy for the boat people anymore , I think they are just greedy in that they want to migrate ahead of everyone else, and are cashed up so can pay a criminal smuggler, I also think they are deceptive liars who farbicate stories to get classfied as refugees so are party to criminality, this has been bourne out by DIMA reports, they are also selfish and stupid to embark on a dangerous journey especially if they put their own childrens lives at risk which is utter stupidity, not desperation , just stupidity..

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What the AFL taught us this week. 11 years 6 months ago #22462

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yolo swaggins wrote:

Bazza wrote: Get used to it we will have about 50 different tribes here, all at each others throats on BS issues.

Get used to it? How about instead of getting used to having 'different tribes' we bridge the gap to unify as one? Or are you the type of guy that just gives up or thinks "I cant do anything, its out of my hands".

@58shark - you're racist against 'boat people' but not against 'REAL' refugees? wtf. They are all people. Do you understand the type of shitty lives they would have come from for them to even consider travelling 10000kms on a death trap of a boat? These people are not educated like we are. They get fed lies by the people who smuggle them (who take all that they own in return for the BS promises). They dont know that to get into Aus you need to go through the prosesses properly. How can you possibly be racist against those poor souls?
At least I now know that you are a racist.

bridge What gap??? you mean the one multi culturalism has created??

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What the AFL taught us this week. 11 years 6 months ago #22468

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jardine wrote: yolo you must understand that what most of us have had enough of, is when these people get here and start making instant demands. for people whom you say have no education, they seem to have an awful amount of knowledge about what to demand in a country they have never been to before. in a recent photgraph taken, there were young men getting off a boat wearing addidas gear, gold chains & they had the bodies of a weightlifters in competition.

racist is a very fashionable word used these days. it is used too easily & used too one diamentional.

it is remarkable how australia and its people are the target of such jibes. why is it that the so-called countries these people are fleeing from are not the ones being cited with the same criticism? when these people leave their countries, they do so under disguise to avoid being killed. they come here and they are at least initially being given a safe haven. yet in this warped twisted mentality and with these two points being common knowledge, australia is the country being given that "Racist" tag again.

This is a word that is used so often here these days, i guess people from outside of australia must think this is an horrendous place to live - wouldnt they? Of course not, judging by the influx of immigration in its droves.

why is it the United Nations are not held to account over what is going on in these countries? Do you want to know why? - its because they are basically a useless organization that will prefer to take the easy option of condoning everything australia does because we are not a dictatorship. the UN cannot reason with a dictatorship and given half the representitives of the UN are puppets to their own dictators, they will never go to the core of these problems. they instead target western countries whom are resigned to the fact they will not get the justified back up from a so-called human compassionate organization. they are anything but that.

i have never ever heard one do-gooder in this country (and there are plenty of them) call the middle east racist. Yet we have seen countless fanatical groups cut the heads off western citizens and post them on youtube. Or hang them and burn them alive. And they do this to people who are in the region to help their people. you will argue that boat people are escaping this madness, and i agree. but given these facts about what type people are there, would it not be right for us to have some identification ? does that make us conveniently "racist" yet again ???

the worlds focus and the critics who live here, should refocus their easy lables to the United Nations who are responsible for action against oppression. if you want to lable anyone anything, that is where your attention should target. Australian people have had an absolute gutful of being labled at every turn. the divide in culture is only getting larger because of world leaders who dont lead.

the UN is like a doctor who tells you you have cancer. then proceeds to give you a hair cut and clip your toenails. avoiding the core of the problem at all costs. you call us racists ? just imagine if you took Australia off the map right now. where would these people go? - Africa, the South Pole?

we do more for the oppressed than any other country in the world. and whenever we question our own security, we are labled racist. more than ever, our security and that of our childrens children depends on our actions. we can save a percentage of the world, but your kidding yourself if you think we can save everyone. Back on September 11th 2001, america dropped its guard on a dozen individuals. we all know the outcome. funny how we never heard the term racist to descibe either the hijackers, or the terrorists. i feel for the genuine boat people, but your narrow minded to lable anyone here a racist for not willing to play roulette with our security. Target the UN to do THEIR job. It cant be us all the time.

What a good post.

Wish that sarah hansen jansen or whoever she is from the greens, would GO overseas and try to fix the problem there rather than here.

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What the AFL taught us this week. 11 years 6 months ago #22475

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yolo swaggins wrote:

Bazza wrote: Get used to it we will have about 50 different tribes here, all at each others throats on BS issues.

Get used to it? How about instead of getting used to having 'different tribes' we bridge the gap to unify as one? Or are you the type of guy that just gives up or thinks "I cant do anything, its out of my hands".

@58shark - you're racist against 'boat people' but not against 'REAL' refugees? wtf. They are all people. Do you understand the type of shitty lives they would have come from for them to even consider travelling 10000kms on a death trap of a boat? These people are not educated like we are. They get fed lies by the people who smuggle them (who take all that they own in return for the BS promises). They dont know that to get into Aus you need to go through the prosesses properly. How can you possibly be racist against those poor souls?
At least I now know that you are a racist.

Sorry yolo, but 'poor souls' my arse. They can afford $10k per person for a seat on the boat. And they're mostly fit, healthy & strong looking young men. $10k in their countries is worth a damn site more than here. How much do you reckon those "poor souls" in the African refugee camps can fork out? None and they're stuck there because our p week govt allows these queue jumpers to have first dibs. No wonder the majority of Aussies are racist against these queue jumpers!!
2x25= Seinor and Michael = 1xBrian Peake

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What the AFL taught us this week. 11 years 6 months ago #22488

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58shark wrote:

yolo swaggins wrote:

Bazza wrote: Get used to it we will have about 50 different tribes here, all at each others throats on BS issues.

Get used to it? How about instead of getting used to having 'different tribes' we bridge the gap to unify as one? Or are you the type of guy that just gives up or thinks "I cant do anything, its out of my hands".

@58shark - you're racist against 'boat people' but not against 'REAL' refugees? wtf. They are all people. Do you understand the type of shitty lives they would have come from for them to even consider travelling 10000kms on a death trap of a boat? These people are not educated like we are. They get fed lies by the people who smuggle them (who take all that they own in return for the BS promises). They dont know that to get into Aus you need to go through the prosesses properly. How can you possibly be racist against those poor souls?
At least I now know that you are a racist.

Sorry yolo, but 'poor souls' my arse. They can afford $10k per person for a seat on the boat. And they're mostly fit, healthy & strong looking young men. $10k in their countries is worth a damn site more than here. How much do you reckon those "poor souls" in the African refugee camps can fork out? None and they're stuck there because our p week govt allows these queue jumpers to have first dibs. No wonder the majority of Aussies are racist against these queue jumpers!!

I'm tat the point now we should just adopt the same policies as Singapore Japan and South Korea, remove our selves from the UN conventions, and have minimal involvement in refugee intakes and limited skills only immigration policy,

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What the AFL taught us this week. 11 years 6 months ago #22592

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spent alot of time in singapore and south korea and they have got their act together. very friendly people too. unlike north korea who are a smouldering volcano.

yolo my point was we are getting tired of the word racist getting thrown around just because some are opposed to a view. it seems these days that word is only used by people who dont have a single answer to the problem.

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