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John Todd passes away 3 weeks 3 days ago #235812

  • Bazza
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I unfortunately never got to see the great man Toddy play but as a coach there was simply none better.
Growing up in the 1980s I was just in awe of this super human as he coached Swans & WA to what seemed like title after title.
We have lost a WA Football colossus.
BH I saw him kick IMHO one of the best goals ever kicked at Lathlain.
Playing for SF in a pre-season game early 1960s.
He had a raking long left foot drop kick.
Gathered the ball took 2 or 3 steps and let fly from well behind the centre kicking to the northern end.
The ball bounced at the top of the goal square and bounced through for a goal.
He was a great player in an era of great players throughout the league.
I was lucky enough to be born at the right time.


Indeed, I can only go from what family members told me when watching SF , they reckon he made a one off come back  late 60s in a derby despite his injury, in what was described as a unbelievable display he turned the game around single handedly and South being cellar dwellers were able to knock off EF who were league leaders at the time.

He said he never wanted to coach and playing was the thing he really loved.

He had a perfect physique as a footballer, incredibly fit and strong, a couple of times I saw him down Port Beach where he would swim regularly and even in his 60s he looked strong fit and ready to run out and play. 

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