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Oh Tony,Tony,Tony... 12 years 3 weeks ago #2111

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Swandog wrote:

58shark wrote:

Swandog wrote:

58shark wrote:

Swandog wrote: Looks like the Wingnut has once again failed to read important reports, this time regarding The Slipper case being thrown out because of the judge concluding it was a Liberal setup.
This guy just aint fit to be a Prime Minister, and his front bench ala the Zerox girl Bishop, Hockey, The wineing Pyne, Truss, Robb, etc etc aint fit to govern either..and we know Malcolm wont get another go because his collegues dont like him..i hope The Australian people think very carefully next August

Be assured sd, the Australian people WILL think hard next August. Thereby hangs the problem for the ranga and her simpering sidekick. When are you people (the minority) going to get it....Australians hate her, hate her incompetent party and hate seeing her plunge this country deeper and deeper in debt.

And they hate Tony a hell of a lot more! 63% of us in fact!

But fortunately it's not the Mad Monk nor Dullard that people will vote for. It will be a vote to stop the rotting of our great country. Still, it would be fair to guess that Tone on't be there come election time. Trouble is, who replaces him? Turnbull could do it, but he's just a millionaire politician that has no idea what the average person goes through ala Fraser. Still, Dullard and her band of Monty Python rejects will be looking for a job next year ;)

Whats rotting mate? I asked Cardy the same question but the silence is deafening!!

going from being in credit when labor came to power in 2007 to over $200 billion in debt. Sure $70 billion was spent during GFC but what about the rest? Low inflation due to lack of demand...if people are losing jobs and don't have money to spend then demand for goods and services will be low and inflation will be down as well. Low interest rates as the Fed tries to stimulate the economy...good for mortgages but bad for self funded retirees...unemployment at around 5.4% but thats the official rate and doesnt take into account part-timers or those not registered with Centrelink. Mining boom about to come to an end with lower tax revenues for the govt and an MRRT which just doesn't work. Currently $23 tonne carbon tax which will drop to about $9 a tonne in 2015 if current prices are anything to go by which means once again lower revenues for the govot and an inability to fund the tax cuts and benefits currently being paid to compensate low income earners. Unfunded promised around NDIS, Gonski, increases in defence spending, more asylum seekers putting pressure on the budget...shall I go on? we have a typical hign spending, high taxing Labor govt which is big on coming up with grand schemes but not so great at paying for them.

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Oh Tony,Tony,Tony... 12 years 3 weeks ago #2115

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ONE of the world's most influential economic groups has cut its forecast for Australia's growth rate.

It is also warning the global economy could again slide into recession in the next two years.

After early signs the crisis may be easing, the international economy is again deteriorating, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

In a report likely to fuel concerns that Australia's record run of growth could soon end, the group says the strong dollar and household aversion to debt are key problems for the economy.

And it says that among concerns on the world stage, the euro is in danger as the jobless rate in parts of Europe surges and social resistance to the single-currency project grows.

Australia's economic growth is tipped to slow over the next two years, dampened by the impact of the strong dollar, debt aversion among consumers and the government's promise to deliver a budget surplus.

In its six-monthly global outlook, the OECD has cut its forecast for growth in Australia's economy for 2013 to 3 per cent. Just six months ago, it was forecasting growth of 3.7 per cent.

But in a boost for Australia's mining sector, the OECD is tipping growth in China will pick up from 7.5 per cent this year to 8.5 per cent and 8.9 per cent over the next two years.

Despite commodity price drops, Australia's mining investment boom is tipped to continue - albeit at a slower pace than earlier forecast.

Overall, the group gives Australia a tick, saying the Reserve Bank's move to cut rates will stimulate demand.

It adds, however, that "reforms in taxation, infrastructure and innovation" are necessary if Australia's standard of living is to keep rising.

The OECD report was backed by warnings from Steen Jakobsen, chief economist of Danish investment bank Saxo, that Australia could face a recession in two years unless interest rates and the dollar fell sharply.

The OECD report identified the lack of consumer and business confidence in global governments' "ineffective policy responses" as a key problem. "If the fiscal cliff is not avoided, a large negative shock could bring the US and global economy into recession," it said.

The OECD has again lowered its global growth forecasts, tipping 3.4 per cent growth in 2013 and 4.2 per cent in 2014 with emerging economies the driving force.

The US is forecast to grow only 1.4 per cent next year while the eurozone is tipped to remain in recession.

The report came as eurozone finance ministers finally struck a deal with the International Monetary Fund to cut more than 40 billion off Greece's debt burden by 2020

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Oh Tony,Tony,Tony... 12 years 3 weeks ago #2143

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Sounds like TF and R/R have been reading from the Tony Abbott hyme book! I want know where the so called negative effects of the carbon tax are? Because it hasnt translated to everyday living like fuel prices, grocery prices etc, and thats what the average person goes by, they have in fact come down, in the end you can spin out all the economic rhetoric you like, but the fact remains life aint too bad in this country, and there will always be some who fall through the cracks no matter who is governing, cant please everyone
Beneath the Southern cross i stand, on Bassendean Oval, can in hand, Swan Districts, you Farkin Beauty!

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Oh Tony,Tony,Tony... 12 years 3 weeks ago #2169

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Now what was that about delivering a surplus Wayne...why only last week JULIARRRRRR agreed with that. Well now Wayne has said NO SURPLUS.

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Oh Tony,Tony,Tony... 12 years 3 weeks ago #2178

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UNKA2 wrote: Now what was that about delivering a surplus Wayne...why only last week JULIARRRRRR agreed with that. Well now Wayne has said NO SURPLUS.

and I hear on the news this am, Labour are espousing how well they have done so far.....well bugger me dead!!!
2x25= Seinor and Michael = 1xBrian Peake

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