swan42 wrote:
Bazza wrote:
MarkOlsen wrote: the point is if the Liberal party could agree on a stance we wouldn't have had to have the vote.
they are one party but they couldn't agree on this, the PM has been undermined by members of his own party on the issue and its a joke that a political party cant have unity on issues and that goes for either side.
The Plebiscite went to a Party Room vote - the Pleb got up in caucus and that was the policy of the LNP took to the people at the election.
Problem with Turnbull is the left expected him to come in and be some sort of Q and A Liberal Greens style PM, and the Base of the LNP have never trusted him with core issues like Border Control , once he got in the Q and A crowd felt let down he wasn't Rudd Mark II, but he couldn't be and never would be , after the last time he got the flick due to the ETS shambles, he knew that had to respect the base and the right of the party , that would of been the deal he made to get the job over the Abbott crew.
Regardless of all that he had no hope of winning the next election from the day after the last one his polling has been crap ever since, Shorten for mine will win and win easy.
Ironically he and the LNP will deliver what in 6 years the ALP and Greens never could, - SSM , with a massive participation rate, a strong Yes which he supported all along and with legislation pushed through as quick as he can, you can only conclude this is a victory for Turnbull ( one of not many as PM).
Bazza one has to admire your ability to do double and triple somersaults without missing a beat. Firstly, your claim that it was an outstanding success is riddled with holes. Secondly, it is non-binding and has no standing at law. Absolutely, nothing has changed until legislation is passed in both houses of parliament and is signed by the GG. That could have been done and SHOULD HAVE been done without wasting $120 million.
Implicit in your summation of the Western Sydney electorates is that they will be won by the Liberals based on their No votes. The corollary to that is that all the seats currently held by the Libs and Nats will be won by the ALP based on their Yes votes. Patent nonsense.
With respect to the ETS the Liberals went to the 2007 proposing an ETS. The ALP also went to the 2007 election proposing an ETS. So much for a government having a mandate.
Turnbull was lily-livered and got rolled by Abbott et al and was forced into the ridiculous $120 million opinion poll option. Most likely there will be a Federal election around Labor Day next year after Turnbull is forced out.
Finally perhaps in the interests of fair and balanced you can analyse some of the very Liberal electorates that voted overwhelmingly Yes?
Hahaha Gold - talk about summersalts The LNP will deliver what the ALP Failed to do in 6 years, who In fact campaigned against it and had an openly gay senator WONG - speaking publicly against it - 6 years swan - 6 years, ....may I also remind the 11 ALP held seats voted strongly NO.....perhaps that explains the cowardice in the ALP refusing to deliver this while in government, that a massive amount of Arabic - Chinese No voters in Western Sydney who don't support SSM and would of put the seats at risk..
Yes the strongest Yes vote was in blue ribbon seats like Curtin and Wentworth, but hang on aren't all us rich white liberal voting folk supposed to be bigoted and hate filled according to you?
Seems the rich white people are delivering goods the left cant deliver , give the current immigration programme another 20 years and the No vote would of got up easily.
Some fantastic information from the ABS results, the survey clearly shows Sydney is rapidly becoming a place very different to the rest of Australia, a city divided on ethnic grounds which is growing by the year.
Had to love Hypercritical Billy boy celebrating with the big public party, something he was opposed to a public endorsement of SSM, none of that would of happened with a parliamentary vote they wouldn't lit up the Empire State Building either, for all the nay sayers it turned into a public endorsement for the Yes vote, basically a big party!