Bazza wrote:
BC wrote:, lose or draw if it tidies up the senate then it'll be worth it. Ricky Muir, Dion Wang, Glenn Lazarus will all go plus that idiot Bob Day from Family First..and with a bit of luck John Maddigan will get the elbow as well. Lambie may get through as an independent and the Xenophobe will make it for the rest of the minorities good riddance I say. We can only hope that fat heffer with two fathers from the Greens gets thrown out but I don't like our chances.
Was starting to have by doubts about MT, but this is master tactics he really cant lose, he got the Electoral Reform Bill through, in the process wedged the lefty love in between the Greens and Labor, laid the ground work for a clean up of the Senate ( something the ALP actually supported via Gary Gray intially) Has the ideal trigger in the anti CFMEU Bill, Either the cross bench go into bat for the thugs or they pass it, if they block it MT gets the Bill through he wants or if its rejected gets a DD and a Senate cleanout, plus passes it with the Joint Sitting. Nick X might end up with a couple of extra seats, With some luck all the ex Pup Duds get the flick, sadly I think Lambie will hang on. As for Muir and Leylohelm the Gun Nut good riddance.
Bazza if we do go to a DD on July 2 let no-one forget that the Turnbull Government REFUSED to debate that particular bill. In fact THEY VOTED AGAINST debating the bill. If it was such an imperative why oh why would a Turnbull Government REFUSE to DEBATE their own bill in the Senate?
As for the Senate: it is amazing how hypocritical the Liberal Party is when it comes to obstructing passage of bills in the Senate when they are in opposition and when in government adopt an holiur than thou attitude.
Perhaps if Messrs Abbott and Turnbull actually spoke to the cross benches they might have had a better chance of getting their legislation through the Senate.